Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Discovering Writing

In second grade, I used to dance around the playground singing songs I made up.  One of my favorites was one I called "Animals:" Animals, animals are such to see.  Animals, animals have a lot of beauty! What luck we have to have such things!  And on it went.  It wasn't until much later when I realized the love I was developing was a love for writing.

This is how I like to imagine my little elementary writing self, minus the Chinese :)

Since those lovely elementary days singing my heart out on the playground,  I have written over 50 songs, hundreds of poems, a handful of short stories, and have been contemplating writing a memoir for about a year now.  I absolutely adore writing.  My mother says I've been making up songs since I could speak, first creating mash-ups of various Madonna songs, and then moving to my own imaginings.  I don't know who instilled this love of writing, but I am so grateful to whoever did.  It is a passion I hope to never lose, and one I pray I can spark in at least a single student, if not all of my students.

I'm guessing this is how my mash-ups sounded.

1 comment:

  1. If you adore writing, you are blessed. A passion for anything that has a positive impact on our world is nothing less than a gift. Cherish it!
